Monday, September 8, 2014

Fire Serpent

 This sleeping serpent awakens during an attunement.  It opens the central channel of Kundalini fire.  Depending on how it is used, it can either ground energy into the lower chakras or push energy upwards into the higher chakras without allowing it to release through the crown chakra.  It connect and opens all chakras allowing balance & harmony.

Dai Ko Myo


This symbol is pronounced "ah uu mm".  It is a Sanskrit symbol used in many eastern spiritual practices. Represents the Universe functioning as a whole unit; (a) = father/mother  beckoning creation, (uu) = son/daughter the evolution of individual souls; and (mm) = absorbing of all that is created.  The sacred sound of the universe.  Om cleans, stabilizes and seals the aura.  It brings in light, purifies, protects and connects with GO(D.  Om is chanted and visualized in gold by and individual or in groups to be used for healing or psychic attunement, sounds psychically charges the air with prana which is under the direction of thought and can be directed specifically.  It is recognized as the primal sound and chanted to control natural manifestations' represents the 3 manifestations of all life; creation, preservation and destruction.  Use in the initiation process to seal in the other symbols or to seal each part of the attunement.  Om opens the crown and if drawn above the head opens a pathway to God and higher consciousness.  I have found that repeating the Mantra "ah um mm" that the Reiki energy doubles, it is also good for your Chakras.


  • pronounced "ah uu mm"
  • a Sanskrit symbol used in many eastern spiritual practices
  • the sacred sound of the universe, the primal sound, chanted to control natural manifestations
  • Symbolizes the oneness that we are and connects us to it
  • Represents the 3 manifestations of all life
  •      creation
  •      preservation
  •      destruction
  • purifies, protects, seals and stabilizes the aura
  • brings in light, purifies, protects and connects with the higher self and the divine
  • opens the crown and when drawn above one's head opens the pathways to the divine and higher consciousness


Pronounced "Shawn-Tee"

It means peace.  Shanty helps heal the past and make way for the present.  We use Shanty to send peace to the past, free our attachments and heal.  It released fear, anger, hurt while soothing the aura.


Pronounced "ee ah vah"

It balances the 4 elements

  • dispel illusions, conditioning's and un truths 
  • helps heal the earth

Iava (ee-ah-vah)

  • pronounced "ee-ah-va
  • channeled by Catherine Mills
  • Balances the 4 elements
  • When drawing the 4 small loops, say "Earth" with the first, "Water" with the second, "wind" or Air" with the third and "fire" wit the fourth
  • Helps pierce the veil of illusion that is our condidioned thoughts and beliefs
  • Let's us see things as they are, rather than as our conditioned thoughts and beliefs would lead us to believe
  • Recreates you own Reality as fully your own and not as part of someone else's projection
  • Heals and heightens reality awareness.
  • Frees us to respond to another in the moment, rather than reacting fro past conditioning.
  • Allows you to take action on you own plans.
  • Can be used to heal the earth (situations, places, disasters, disease, etc.)


Pronounced "kree yah"

It means perfect balance and action.  The law of Kriya is that of physical manifestation.  Thought to help to heal the human race..Kriya balances energy, raised awareness and transforms thought into action.


Pronounced "kno sa"

The world comes from Gnosis meaning mystical and spiritual knowledge acquired through feeling and prophecies from God.  Gnosa helps release our higher self to communicate more clearly in every day life.  As it increases awareness it uplifts consciousness creation a direct connection with God.  Like Harth, Gnosa is a primary symbol in Karuna Reiki.

what I'm thinking on the top of a roof

what I'm thinking on the top of a roof