Monday, September 8, 2014


Pronounced "ee ah vah"

It balances the 4 elements

  • dispel illusions, conditioning's and un truths 
  • helps heal the earth

Iava (ee-ah-vah)

  • pronounced "ee-ah-va
  • channeled by Catherine Mills
  • Balances the 4 elements
  • When drawing the 4 small loops, say "Earth" with the first, "Water" with the second, "wind" or Air" with the third and "fire" wit the fourth
  • Helps pierce the veil of illusion that is our condidioned thoughts and beliefs
  • Let's us see things as they are, rather than as our conditioned thoughts and beliefs would lead us to believe
  • Recreates you own Reality as fully your own and not as part of someone else's projection
  • Heals and heightens reality awareness.
  • Frees us to respond to another in the moment, rather than reacting fro past conditioning.
  • Allows you to take action on you own plans.
  • Can be used to heal the earth (situations, places, disasters, disease, etc.)

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what I'm thinking on the top of a roof

what I'm thinking on the top of a roof